Sokoto Fulani of Eastern Niger

The Sokoto Fulani are a subgroup of the much larger Fulani people of West Africa. They are found in southeastern Niger and northern Nigeria. Ninety-nine percent of this people group of 480,000 follows a mixture of Islamic and traditional African beliefs. There is no Bible in their dialect; they have never heard the gospel. There has been virtually no Christian witness among them for centuries.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Relationships are My Ministry

"Making relationships is vital to my ministry" says journeyman Danielle Koepke. Last month, we hosted a volunteer optometry team who came to fit glasses and educate the villagers on eye care. He did a wonderful job, and the people were so excited to see us. Please pray that this act of service would help create more relationships in our villages and that Christ's love would be shown through our service.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

For God Did Not Give Us a Spirit of Fear...

A local Fulani believer has expressed interest in learning how to share her faith in Jesus Christ with her friends and neighbors. This request is brave, considering the fact that her husband and other family members are not yet believers. Please pray for her daily. Pray for God's clear direction in her evangelistic growth and that she would be moved and supported by the Holy Spirit to be BOLD in her witness to all with whom she comes in contact.