Sokoto Fulani of Eastern Niger

The Sokoto Fulani are a subgroup of the much larger Fulani people of West Africa. They are found in southeastern Niger and northern Nigeria. Ninety-nine percent of this people group of 480,000 follows a mixture of Islamic and traditional African beliefs. There is no Bible in their dialect; they have never heard the gospel. There has been virtually no Christian witness among them for centuries.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

welcome to *SM

Welcome to *SM. In this village, there is a small Fulani church, and about thirty believers. A Hausa man came to this village and told these people about Jesus, and the people accepted. Now, the people meet regularly for church - they sing songs, pray and listen to the Word of God.

Missionaries are doing oral Bible study with the women of SM. Most of the women do not think that they can learn from the Bible, because they do not think they have any intelligence. But slowly, the women are accepting the teachings from Scripture and learning how to apply it to their lives.

The men are engaged in literacy classes. While the work is difficult for them, some men clearly desire to learn. One man has had some training in the past and will soon be able to read on his own. Others are slowly learning to read by recognizing syllables and sounding out the words.

Pray that the people of SM will be open to learning. Pray that they will tell others about the good news they have received, and seek to grow their church. Pray that this Fulani church would be the first of many Fulani churches in eastern Niger.

(by chelsea)
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  • At 3:47 AM, Blogger BandMan said…

    Thank you for these most recent blog posts. I am printing them now and will get them to our church so that more can pray for these mentioned from the July 18th posts.

    BTW, the user id says BandMan...this is Dave from Wickland.


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