Sokoto Fulani of Eastern Niger

The Sokoto Fulani are a subgroup of the much larger Fulani people of West Africa. They are found in southeastern Niger and northern Nigeria. Ninety-nine percent of this people group of 480,000 follows a mixture of Islamic and traditional African beliefs. There is no Bible in their dialect; they have never heard the gospel. There has been virtually no Christian witness among them for centuries.

Monday, September 11, 2006

A challenge to pray and fast � to see an abundant harvest among the Fulani

The Sokoto Fulani team vision:

It is our vision to see individual Fulani and their families come to faith in Christ, to grow in and share that faith with others, which will result in indigenous, maturing and rapidly multiplying churches among the Sokoto Fulani.


We want a Church Planting Movement (CPM) to take place among the Sokoto.  So, what is a CPM?  One Fulani church planting another Fulani church, which plants 2, which plants 4, 8� rapidly!  Right now, in one Fulani village there are about 15 believers and in another there are 4.


Understanding that, are you ready for our challenge?


For the months of September and October, we are challenging you to pray and fast that a CPM will happen among the Fulani.  We want you to pray expectantly, knowing that we serve a faithful, all-powerful God, who wants the Fulani to know him.  He answers the prayers of His people.  We look forward to sharing with you how he has answered all of our prayers at the end of October � harvestime.


At this time in Niger, the people are working the fields because it is rainy season and they are waiting for the harvest.  Just as God will allow the people to reap a harvest of millet in this land, he is also preparing a harvest of the Fulani.  In a couple months time, the Fulani will indeed reap a harvest of millet.  It is our prayer and the purpose of this challenge that at the same time, there will be a great harvest of people rapidly coming to Christ, resulting in a Church Planting Movement.


Pray that the Holy Spirit will pour down on this land, drawing the people to God.  We are confident that the only way a CPM can take place in this land is by the power of God. 


Pray that the Holy Spirit will light a fire in the believers so that they will boldly share their faith with their families, friends, neighbors, enemies, � everyone.


Pray that the believers will fully comprehend how all-encompassing faith in Christ is.


Pray that they will realize they have the authority and power of God, through the Holy Spirit to share with people (Acts 1:8).


Pray that God will break down all the cultural barriers that keep the Fulani from accepting God�s gift of salvation.


Pray for Fulani men and women to understand that women can and must make individual decisions to follow Christ.



  • At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi! My name is Mark, and I came accross this link on the IMB website while looking at various projects for next year. The project to reach Fulani in Niger really caught my eye and is something I am beginning to pray about if it is God's will for me to serve there next summer. So I am asking if you would begin to pray for me and God's will to see if serving in Niger is the right move. Here's my e-mail address:

    God Bless!
    In Christ Alone,

  • At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I would like to contact Kris and Shelley... my name is Jennifer Best, my parents are IMB missionaries in Central America, and I'm thinking about doing summer missions and was wondering if ya'll have any projects going on this summer that I might be able to be a part of.

    Jen Best


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